
WOD Full Body | 09/25

30 on / 10 off – 4x per station 

Rest: 20 sec between each round 

Station: Balls/Dumbbells  

Soccer taps 

Med Ball Slams 

Front to Lateral Raises 

Jumping Jacks 

Station: Rings 

Alt. Lunge to 2x rows 


Wide/Narrow Alt Row 

Wall Sit 

Station: Dumbbells 

DB thrusters 

Mt. Climbers 

Weighted leg lift 3x + weighted reverse lunge 3x *Left Leg 

Weighted leg lift 3x + weighted reverse lunge 3x *Right Leg 

Station: Bags 



Row to Plank Pop 

Back Load Squat 

Finisher:  Coaches Choice 


At Home Equipment Needed:  Dumbbells

Sept Beats to Fuel You